No one can deny that a brand logo is the first impression that a business makes to its customers. Designing one is a very important process, but did you know how important it is to keep it relevant and fresh?
Logo redesigns might be overlooked by many businesses, albeit they are in dire need of one.
Let’s see 7 reasons why your brand needs a logo redesign:
- Keep it fresh and relevant – your logo conveys a message. Times change and as a result so might the messages your logo conveys. Make sure your logo accurately describes what your brand stands for.
- New competition has been introduced, and you know want to make your brand stand out again, bring something new to the table, perhaps time for a logo redesign? Spark that fire in your customer’s chest!
- You have expanded your business and you have grown. If you lead a successful business then inevitably you ‘ll expand in newer markets. Make sure your logo conveys the right message even in those new markets. If it doesn’t, then redesign it.
- You are rebranding. You are taking the business down a different path or you are diversifying. You need a logo which shows that change, and describes your business. You must redesign your logo, no question about it.
- You have a stronger social-media presence, but the logo was created before that. The logo doesn’t appear as nice on the digital screens of this modern world. Redesign maybe?
- It’s been some time without something to stir the waters. Your customers appear to be losing interest in your brand. Redesigning your logo can bring back some attention to your brand and make sure the customer doesn’t forget about it! A good rule of thumb is to change things up every 5-10 years.
- Perhaps you need a simpler version of your logo, easier to memorise and for people to always have on the top of their head when thinking about the products or services you sell. Redesign your logo!
Those 7 reasons, are an idea of why your logo might need a redesign. Read through, do any of them seem relatable? If they do, get in touch! We ‘d love to help.